This page lists books, journal papers, articles, research studies, and more by Dr. Rankin.

Most of Dr. Rankin’s 14 books are published by Routledge/Taylor and Francis, with 1 of her books published by ASCD. Dr. Rankin’s 217 papers and articles have appeared in many different publications, and she writes an online column for Psychology Today.


For publications in which Dr. Rankin was interviewed as an expert - like the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Forbes, Good Housekeeping, Huffington Post (HuffPost), The Los Angeles Times, National Public Radio (NPR), NBC News, Newsweek, The New York Times, Nonfiction Authors Association (NFAA), O: The Oprah Magazine, The Orange County Register, Reader’s Digest, The San Diego Union Tribune, The Seattle Times, Sunday Star-Times [New Zealand], U.S. News & World Report, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post - see the MEDIA page.


Dr. Rankin’s 14 books were all published by well-respected academic publishing houses. Most of her books were published by Routledge/Taylor and Francis. 9 of her 14 books were written only by Dr. Rankin, and 5 of her 14 books were co-authored (where Dr. Rankin wrote a single chapter in a book for which a different academic wrote each chapter in the scholarly collection). Dr. Rankin’s 14 books include:

  • Rankin, J. G. (2022). First aid for teacher burnout: How you can find peace and success (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781003281320-2

  • Rankin, J. G. (2022). Sustainability communication practices that bypass cognitive bias and other obstacles. In R. Papa, A. Saiti, F. Snodgress, & P. Kaldis (Eds.), The Roads to Integrating Sustainability in School Leadership & Teacher Preparation Programs (pp. 67-73). Ypsilanti, MI: ICPEL Press.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2020). Increasing the impact of your research: A practical guide to sharing your findings and widening your reach. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2020). Data system-embedded analysis support’s implications for Latino students and diverse classrooms. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Accessibility and Diversity in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, (pp. 843-863). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1213-5.ch042

  • Rankin, J. G. (2019). Sharing your education expertise with the world: Make research resonate and widen your impact. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2017). Data system-embedded analysis support’s implications for Latino students and diverse classrooms. In C. Curran & A. Petersen (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Classroom Diversity and Inclusive Education Practice, (pp. 444-464). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2520-2.ch019

  • Rankin, J. G. (2017). First aid for teacher burnout: How you can find peace and success. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2016). Engaging & challenging gifted students: Tips for supporting extraordinary minds in your classroom. Alexandra, VA: ASCD.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2016). Standards for reporting data to educators: What educational leaders should know and demand. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2016). How to make data work: A guide for educational leaders. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2016). Designing data reports that work: A guide for creating data systems in schools and districts. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2015). Data system-embedded guidance significantly improves data analyses by making data ‘over-the-counter’ for users. In J. T. Martins & A. Molnar (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Innovations in Information Retrieval, Analysis, and Management, (pp. 125-151). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8833-9

  • Rankin, J. G. (2015). Guidelines for analyzing assessment data to inform instruction. In C. Suurtamm & A. R. McDuffie (Eds.), Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME) 2015: Assessment to Enhance Learning and Teaching, (pp. 191-198). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2013). Over-the-counter data’s impact on educators’ data analysis accuracy. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 3575082.

Journal Papers & Proceedings

The list below includes 11 papers in the following 10 journals: Afluente: Revista de Letras e Linguistica [Translation from Portuguese: Affluent: Journal of Letters and Linguistics]; Educational Leadership: Journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A; GALA Journal: A Journal of the Gender in Literacy and Life Assembly; OnCUE Journal; Proceedings of ‏the International Conference on Advanced Research in Education (ICARE); Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference; Universal Journal of Educational Research; The Women in Literacy and Life Assembly (WILLA) of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Journal; and Universal Journal of Educational Research.


  • Rankin, J. G. (2021, March). Global impact opportunities for education research amid changing technology. In ACAVENT (Ed.), Proceedings of ‏the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Education (ICARE) 2021(1). Oxford, United Kingdom: ACAVENT.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2019, December). Behavioral economics of the mind on design: Identity, bias, and more. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 5(4), 376–379. doi:

  • Egido, A. A., & Rankin, J. G. (2018). A importancia de compartilhar resultados de pesquisa com professores (de linguas). Afluente: Revista de Letras e Linguistica [Translation from Portuguese: Affluent: Journal of Letters and Linguistics], 3(9), 136-143. ISSN 2525-3441

  • Rankin, J. (2018, Summer). How administrators can help teachers win the burnout war. Educational Leadership: Journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A, 75(9), 28-32.

  • Rankin, J. (2016). Data systems and reports as active participants in data interpretation. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(11), 2493 - 2501. doi: 10.13189/ujer.2016.041101

  • Rankin, J. G. (2015, December 15). Using data to avoid gender disparity in English-Language Arts classroom. In K. Macro (Ed.), GALA Journal: A Journal of the Gender in Literacy and Life Assembly, 21(2015), 43-49.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2015). Data helps educators target gender issues if the data is poised to be understood. In K. Macro (Ed.), The Women in Literacy and Life Assembly (WILLA) of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Journal. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

  • Rankin, J. G. (2015, November). Data report design makes or breaks data use: Evaluate your data system’s ability to communicate effectively. Educational Leadership: Journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A, 73(3), 5.

  • Rankin, J., Johnson, M., & Dennis, R. (2015, March 2). Research on implementing big data: Technology, people, & processes. In M. Searson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2015(1). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2014, Summer). Universal design for educators, too. OnCUE Journal, 36(2), 22-23. [Also available at]

  • Rankin, J. (2014, March 17). Reporting data with “over-the-counter” data analysis supports improves educators’ data analyses. In M. Searson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2014(1), 900-911. Chesapeake, VA: AACE. [Also available at]

Articles & Industry Publications


The list below includes 197 articles in the following 40 publications: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Highlights; ASCD Inservice; CCNews: Newsletter of the California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE); Center for Research Use in Education (CRUE) Rethinking Research for Schools (RS4) Blog; Dr. Jenny Grant Rankin Research Blog; EdCircuit; Ed-Fi Alliance Blog; EdSurge; EdTech Review; Edtech Women; Education Week; Edukwest; eSchoolNews; Fractus Learning; GALA Journal: A Journal of the Gender in Literacy and Life Assembly; IGI Global Newsroom; Illuminate; International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) EdTechHub; Los Angeles Times; Mensa Bulletin: The Magazine of American Mensa; Mensa Oracle; Mensa Weekly Brainwave; MiddleWeb; OnCUE: Journal of Computer Using Educators (CUE); Psychology Today; Shepherd; Showbie; Teaching Channel (Learners Edge, formerly The Chalk Blog); TIBCO; Universal Journal of Educational Research; and Women in Literacy and Life Assembly (WILLA) of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Journal.


American Educational Research Association (AERA) Highlights

ASCD Inservice

CCNews: Newsletter of the California Council on Teacher Education

Center for Research Use in Education (CRUE) Rethinking Research for Schools (RS4) Blog

Teaching Channel (Learners Edge)


Ed-Fi Alliance Blog

EdSurge (Funded by The Washington Post, NewSchools Venture Fund, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)

Edtech Women

EdTech Review

Education Week

Edukwest (winner of EdTech Magazine’s Must-Read Higher Ed IT Blog Award, Weblog Award, Edtech Digest’s Edtech Leadership Award, and Edublog Award finalist)

Fractus Learning

eSchool News

IGI Global Newsroom


International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) EdTechHub

Los Angeles Times

Mensa Bulletin: The Magazine of American Mensa

Mensa Oracle

  • Rankin, J. G. (2016, August). GATE’s Embarrassing Secret. Mensa Oracle, 46(2), 6.

Mensa Weekly Brainwave

  • Rankin, J. G. (2018, November 6). The findings are coming! The findings are coming! Mensa Weekly Brainwave, 45(2018), 2.

  • Rankin, J. G. (2016, August 9). Over-the-counter data. Mensa Weekly Brainwave, 8(2016), 2.

MiddleWeb: All About the Middle Grades

OnCUE Journal: Journal of Computer Using Educators (CUE)

Psychology Today



TIBCO well as:

Commissioned Curriculum

  • Grant [Rankin], J. (2005). BPSD Summer School writing curriculum: 30 days to writing success! (2nd ed.). Buena Park, CA: Buena Park Unified School District.

  • Grant [Rankin], J. (2004). BPSD Summer School writing curriculum: 30 days to writing success! (1st ed.). Buena Park, CA: Buena Park Unified School District.

Dr. Jenny Grant Rankin Research Website

  • 40 research website blog posts

TED-Ed Lesson

Contributions to Others' Books (e.g., Forewords)


Book for Which Dr. Rankin Wrote the Book's Foreword

Books for Which Dr. Rankin Wrote a Within-Book (or Back Cover) Blurb

  • Boogren, T. H. (2019). 180 days of self-care for busy educators. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

  • Eng, N. (2019). Presenting: The professor’s guide to powerful communication. New York, NY: Norman Eng.

  • Eng, N. (2018). Create an engaging syllabus: A concise, 7-step guide for professor. New York, NY: Norman Eng.





OCTOBER 28, 2015

Teacher Burnout Survey

  • Conducted online to include findings in J. Rankin’s book First Aid for Teacher Burnout: How You Can Find Peace and Success, published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis


JUNE 21, 2013 TO 2014

Use of Over-the-Counter Data in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools Research Study (Focus: Guides)

  • Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, Nashville Ÿ 615-259-4636 Ÿ

  • Mixed Methods study

  • Collaborating with Dr. Margie Johnson, Business Intelligence Director, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools


FEBRUARY 1, 2009 TO AUGUST 31, 2013

Over-the-Counter Data’s Impact on Educators’ Data Analysis Accuracy



January 9, 2023

Work Equity in the Educational Measurement Profession Study

  • Principal Investigator (PI): Thao Vo, Research Scientist, Women in Measurement, AERA, NCME

  • 2023 Women in Measurement (WIM), the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) State of the Field Equity Survey

  • Approved by: American Institutes for Research (AIR) Institutional Review Board


June 21, 2020

Stockton University Covid-19 Pandemic Study


April 22, 2020

National Education Association Covid-19 Education Survey Study

  • Administered by Education Insights

  • Sponsored by National Education Association (NEA)

  • National survey study about issues facing students, schools, educators, and parents during the coronavirus pandemic


March 8, 2019

Twitter's Influence on Humour within Crisis Communications Survey

November 16, 2018

CUE Strategic Planning Process Survey

  • Administered by Computer Using Educators (CUE)

  • Strategic planning process to update CUE’s mission, vision and core value statements and develop overarching priorities for the organization over the next three years


November 7, 2018

Scientific Communication and Public Engagement Survey Study

  • Administered by ScienceCounts and the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science

  • Covered by Institutional Review Boards (IRB) of the University of Texas-Austin and Michigan State University

  • Participated through American Educational Research Association (AERA)


September 18, 2018

Yale Wellness Course Study

  • Dr. Laurie Santos, Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

  • Study titled Online Wellness Course Study


July 13, 2018

University of Delaware Study

  • Dr. Elizabeth Farley-Ripple and Dr. Henry May

  • Study titled Research Production and Dissemination in Education


July 9, 2018

Claremont Graduate University Study

  • Dana Linnell Wanzer

  • Study titled Perspectives of Evaluation and Research Study



SAGE Journals Study


FEBRUARY 20, 2018

Mensa Annual Membership Study

  • Mensa members' survey and feedback to help shape the direction of American Mensa


FEBRUARY 5, 2018

Aspen Institute National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development Survey

  • Surveying education experts for feedback in developing recommendations in research, practice, and policy that will help make social, emotional, and academic learning an important part of every school


FEBRUARY 5, 2018

IGI Global Field Survey

  • Title: Trending Topics


APRIL 28, 2017

Mensa Workplace Study

  • American Mensa and University of Pécs

  • Study titled Attitudes Towards the Workplace Study


NOVEMBER 7-15, 2016

Yale Blogger Study

  • Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

  • Study titled Emotions, Creativity, and Social Science Bloggers Study


JANUARY 8, 2016

What Works Clearinghouse Survey Study

  • U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences

  • Survey on how What Works Clearinghouse can be improved


DECEMBER 31, 2015

Social Media Use

  • EdSurge

  • Survey on how educators use social media


NOVEMBER 16, 2015

State of Data in K-12 Education

  • Panorama Education

  • Survey on how K-12 educators use data to drive professional growth and improvement


NOVEMBER 14, 2015

Speak Up America and Speak Up (National Research Project)

  • Project Tomorrow: National Research Project

  • A collection of educators’ opinions to inform K-12 educational decisions at the local, state, and national level


SEPTEMBER 18, 2015

Teacher Practice Networks Annual Survey, Fall 2015

  • Survey Study by Center for the Future of Teaching & Learning at WestEd and Sarah Stoeckl of ISTE


AUGUST 13, 2015

Links Between Education and the World of Work

  • Survey Study by World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) and Gallup


JULY 22, 2015

Hyper Brain / Hyper Body Study of People with Exceptional IQ

  • Survey Study by Ruth Karpinski of Pitzer College of Claremont Colleges


JUNE 10, 2014

Bilingual/Dual Language Teacher Preparation Study

  • Survey by Cristian R. Aquino-Sterling of San Diego State University


MAY 18, 2015

Editorial Projects in Education Formative Assessment Survey

  • Survey by Education Week


NOVEMBER 17, 2014

Mensa “We Surveyed One Hundred Mensans…” Survey

  • Greater Los Angeles Area Mensa Family Feud Survey for 2015 Regional Gathering



Improving Edtech Purchasing Practices Study


OCTOBER 5-7, 2014

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Panel for Achievement Level Setting


MAY 9, 2014

ASCD Affiliate Program Study

  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)

  • An ASCD Member Services Study conducted by Readex Research


APRIL 24, 2014

Digital Promise’s Ed-tech Procurement Study



Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Alignment Study


SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

Speak Up (National Research Project)

  • Project Tomorrow: National Research Project

  • A collection of educators’ opinions to inform K-12 educational decisions at the local, state, and national level




2015   California Educational Research Association (CERA) Conference

  • Reviewer

2015   Chapter Reviewer

  • For the book Strategies for Increasing Student Success in Urban Classrooms

2015   New Media Consortium (NMC) Horizon Report: 2015 K12 Edition

  • Serving on Panel of Experts and Horizon Project Advisory Board for the Horizon Project, NMC's annual qualitative research project (includes special listing and acknowledgment in the NMC Horizon Report: 2015 K12 Edition)


2015   California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE)

  • Expert Reviewer (reviewing for the journal Teacher Education Quarterly)

2015   American Educational Research Association (AERA)

  • A reviewer for the AERA Division H Outstanding Paper Competition

  • A reviewer/panel for the AERA Outstanding Dissertation Award

2015   California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE)

  • Research Committee Member (reviewing proposals) for the Fall 2015

2014   Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE)

2014   Reviewer of chapter submissions for the

  • Handbook of Research on Innovations in Information Retrieval, Analysis, and

  • Management to be published by IGI Global

2014   American Educational Research Association (AERA)

2014   California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE)

  • Research Committee Member (reviewing proposals) for the Fall 2014

2013   Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE)

2013   International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

  • Peer Paper Reviewer (reviewing research paper proposals) for ISTE 2014

CV Segment 5 (Media Appearances) >>