This page lists books, journal papers, articles, research studies, and more by Dr. Rankin.
Most of Dr. Rankin’s 14 books are published by Routledge/Taylor and Francis, with 1 of her books published by ASCD. Dr. Rankin’s 217 papers and articles have appeared in many different publications, and she writes an online column for Psychology Today.
For the world’s leading publications in which Dr. Rankin was interviewed as an expert, see the MEDIA page.
Dr. Rankin’s 14 books were all published by well-respected academic publishing houses. Most of her books were published by Routledge/Taylor and Francis. 9 of her 14 books were written only by Dr. Rankin, and 5 of her 14 books were co-authored (where Dr. Rankin wrote a single chapter in a book for which a different academic wrote each chapter in the scholarly collection). Dr. Rankin’s 14 books include:
Rankin, J. G. (2022). First aid for teacher burnout: How you can find peace and success (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781003281320-2
Rankin, J. G. (2022). Sustainability communication practices that bypass cognitive bias and other obstacles. In R. Papa, A. Saiti, F. Snodgress, & P. Kaldis (Eds.), The Roads to Integrating Sustainability in School Leadership & Teacher Preparation Programs (pp. 67-73). Ypsilanti, MI: ICPEL Press.
Rankin, J. G. (2020). Increasing the impact of your research: A practical guide to sharing your findings and widening your reach. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Rankin, J. G. (2020). Data system-embedded analysis support’s implications for Latino students and diverse classrooms. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Accessibility and Diversity in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, (pp. 843-863). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1213-5.ch042
Rankin, J. G. (2019). Sharing your education expertise with the world: Make research resonate and widen your impact. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Rankin, J. G. (2017). Data system-embedded analysis support’s implications for Latino students and diverse classrooms. In C. Curran & A. Petersen (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Classroom Diversity and Inclusive Education Practice, (pp. 444-464). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2520-2.ch019
Rankin, J. G. (2017). First aid for teacher burnout: How you can find peace and success. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Rankin, J. G. (2016). Engaging & challenging gifted students: Tips for supporting extraordinary minds in your classroom. Alexandra, VA: ASCD.
Rankin, J. G. (2016). Standards for reporting data to educators: What educational leaders should know and demand. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Rankin, J. G. (2016). How to make data work: A guide for educational leaders. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Rankin, J. G. (2016). Designing data reports that work: A guide for creating data systems in schools and districts. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Rankin, J. G. (2015). Data system-embedded guidance significantly improves data analyses by making data ‘over-the-counter’ for users. In J. T. Martins & A. Molnar (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Innovations in Information Retrieval, Analysis, and Management, (pp. 125-151). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8833-9
Rankin, J. G. (2015). Guidelines for analyzing assessment data to inform instruction. In C. Suurtamm & A. R. McDuffie (Eds.), Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME) 2015: Assessment to Enhance Learning and Teaching, (pp. 191-198). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Rankin, J. G. (2013). Over-the-counter data’s impact on educators’ data analysis accuracy. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 3575082.
Journal Papers & Proceedings
The list below includes 11 papers in the following 10 journals: Afluente: Revista de Letras e Linguistica [Translation from Portuguese: Affluent: Journal of Letters and Linguistics]; Educational Leadership: Journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A; GALA Journal: A Journal of the Gender in Literacy and Life Assembly; OnCUE Journal; Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Research in Education (ICARE); Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference; Universal Journal of Educational Research; The Women in Literacy and Life Assembly (WILLA) of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Journal; and Universal Journal of Educational Research.
Rankin, J. G. (2021, March). Global impact opportunities for education research amid changing technology. In ACAVENT (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Education (ICARE) 2021(1). Oxford, United Kingdom: ACAVENT.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, December). Behavioral economics of the mind on design: Identity, bias, and more. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 5(4), 376–379. doi:
Egido, A. A., & Rankin, J. G. (2018). A importancia de compartilhar resultados de pesquisa com professores (de linguas). Afluente: Revista de Letras e Linguistica [Translation from Portuguese: Affluent: Journal of Letters and Linguistics], 3(9), 136-143. ISSN 2525-3441
Rankin, J. (2018, Summer). How administrators can help teachers win the burnout war. Educational Leadership: Journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A, 75(9), 28-32.
Rankin, J. (2016). Data systems and reports as active participants in data interpretation. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(11), 2493 - 2501. doi: 10.13189/ujer.2016.041101
Rankin, J. G. (2015, December 15). Using data to avoid gender disparity in English-Language Arts classroom. In K. Macro (Ed.), GALA Journal: A Journal of the Gender in Literacy and Life Assembly, 21(2015), 43-49.
Rankin, J. G. (2015). Data helps educators target gender issues if the data is poised to be understood. In K. Macro (Ed.), The Women in Literacy and Life Assembly (WILLA) of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Journal. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
Rankin, J. G. (2015, November). Data report design makes or breaks data use: Evaluate your data system’s ability to communicate effectively. Educational Leadership: Journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A, 73(3), 5.
Rankin, J., Johnson, M., & Dennis, R. (2015, March 2). Research on implementing big data: Technology, people, & processes. In M. Searson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2015(1). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Rankin, J. G. (2014, Summer). Universal design for educators, too. OnCUE Journal, 36(2), 22-23. [Also available at]
Rankin, J. (2014, March 17). Reporting data with “over-the-counter” data analysis supports improves educators’ data analyses. In M. Searson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2014(1), 900-911. Chesapeake, VA: AACE. [Also available at]
Articles & Industry Publications
The list below includes 197 articles in the following 40 publications: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Highlights; ASCD Inservice; CCNews: Newsletter of the California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE); Center for Research Use in Education (CRUE) Rethinking Research for Schools (RS4) Blog; Dr. Jenny Grant Rankin Research Blog; EdCircuit; Ed-Fi Alliance Blog; EdSurge; EdTech Review; Edtech Women; Education Week; Edukwest; eSchoolNews; Fractus Learning; GALA Journal: A Journal of the Gender in Literacy and Life Assembly; IGI Global Newsroom; Illuminate; International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) EdTechHub; Los Angeles Times; Mensa Bulletin: The Magazine of American Mensa; Mensa Oracle; Mensa Weekly Brainwave; MiddleWeb; OnCUE: Journal of Computer Using Educators (CUE); Psychology Today; Shepherd; Showbie; Teaching Channel (Learners Edge, formerly The Chalk Blog); TIBCO; Universal Journal of Educational Research; and Women in Literacy and Life Assembly (WILLA) of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Journal.
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Highlights
Rankin, J. G. (2018, September). AERA member Jenny Rankin discusses how education researchers can share their findings widely. AERA Highlights.
ASCD Inservice
Rankin, J. G. (2018, February 2). When disaster strikes gifted minds. ASCD Inservice.
CCNews: Newsletter of the California Council on Teacher Education
Rankin, J. G. (2013, December/Winter). Remedying educators’ data analysis errors with over-the-counter data. CCNews: Newsletter of the California Council on Teacher Education, 24(4), 14-21. San Francisco, CA: Caddo Gap Press. [Also available at]
Center for Research Use in Education (CRUE) Rethinking Research for Schools (RS4) Blog
Rankin, J. G. (2018, October 26). The findings are coming! How a researcher’s message can rouse educators. Center for Research Use in Education (CRUE) Rethinking Research for Schools (RS4) Blog.
Teaching Channel (Learners Edge)
Rankin, J. G. (2019, June 21). Perfectionism: Burnout's evil sidekick. Teaching Channel.
Rankin, J. G. (2015, May 4). Who is really responsible for bad data use? EdCircuit.
Ed-Fi Alliance Blog
Rankin, J. G. (2014, August 24). Three ways data helps educators prepare for the first day of school. Ed-Fi Alliance Blog.
EdSurge (Funded by The Washington Post, NewSchools Venture Fund, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
Rankin, J. G. (2014, June 28). When data systems actively support data analysis. EdSurge.
Rankin, J. G. (2013, June 3). What data reporting systems can learn from medicine labeling. EdSurge.
Edtech Women
Rankin, J. G. (2014, June 10). Changing the ratio: Career girls to code girls. Edtech Women.
Rankin, J. G. (2013, October 25). Pushing edtech’s responsibility to communicate feedback effectively. Edtech Women.
Rankin, J. G. (2013, October 24). Nine ways we edtech women can lean in. Edtech Women.
Rankin, J. G. (2013, April 21). Edtech women and the birth of an industry. Edtech Women.
EdTech Review
Rankin, J. G. (2014, May 22). Over-the-counter data: Don’t swallow anything without a label. EdTech Review.
Education Week
Rankin, J. G. (2024, September 26). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo & R. Platt (Eds.), Response: Mistakes happen. Here’s how teachers can learn from them. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2023, June 9). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo & R. Platt (Eds.), Response: It’s the End of School Year. You’re Tired. What’s a Teacher to Do?. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, February 19). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Educators must have a 'plan of action' to confront our challenges. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, December 8). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Instructional coaching conversations must be 'built on relationships'. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, October 13). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Invite students to write real arguments. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, June 12). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: Administrators can't lead from 'the confines of their office'. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, June 12). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: Principals shouldn't be lonely. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, May 21). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo & R. Platt (Eds.), Response: A 'trauma-informed classroom is a safe and secure place'. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, January 14). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: Technology will never replace a great teacher. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2018, November 21). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: Students as teachers in the classroom. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2018, August 21). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Q&A Collections: Advice for New Teachers. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2018, May 30). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: Avoid burn-out by 'remembering what first drove you into teaching'. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2018, March 27). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: Teachers must encourage students to 'make meaning together'. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2017, September 18). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: New teachers must create a 'balance'. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2017, June 28). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: Leaders can support innovation by 'listening more & speaking less'. Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2017, June 14). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: Career-changers are 'attractive teaching candidates' Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2017, May 20). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: The toughest part of teaching is.... Education Week.
Rankin, J. G. (2017, January 7). Response from Jenny Grant Rankin. In L. Ferlazzo (Ed.), Response: Challenging moments in teaching. Education Week.
Edukwest (winner of EdTech Magazine’s Must-Read Higher Ed IT Blog Award, Weblog Award, Edtech Digest’s Edtech Leadership Award, and Edublog Award finalist)
Rankin, J. G. (2013, May 2). Over-the-counter data is the next frontier for data in edtech. Edukwest.
Fractus Learning
Rankin, J. G. (2017, February 2). From Hermione to Iron Man: A character study of gifted kids’ overexcitabilities. Fractus Learning.
eSchool News
Rankin, J. G. (2014, January 7). Better data use requires better data systems. eSchool News.
IGI Global Newsroom
Oong, S., & Rankin, J. (2019, March 22). How data analysis will bridge the gap in education: Hear from expert Dr. Jenny Rankin. IGI Global Newsroom.
Rankin, J. G. (2018, January 17). Fighting teacher burnout and fighting for equity. Illuminate Blog: Equity Spotlight.
Rankin, J. G. (2016, December 9). Teacher Burnout vs. Data System. Illuminate Blog.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) EdTechHub
Rankin, J. G. (2014, July 31). Make the most of student data. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) EdTechHub.
Rankin, J. G. (2014, July 25). Make student data over-the-counter. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) EdTechHub.
Los Angeles Times
Rankin, J. G. (2017, August 4). Commentary: Community must come together to help teachers avoid burnout. Los Angeles Times: Daily Pilot.
Mensa Bulletin: The Magazine of American Mensa
Rankin, J. G. (2017, September). Our life members: Let’s get to know current and new life members of Mensa. Mensa Bulletin: The Magazine of American Mensa, 608(2017), 40-41.
Rankin, J. G. (2016, August). Over-the-counter data: The heroics of creating easily interpreted information. Mensa Bulletin: The Magazine of American Mensa, 597(2016), 22-26.
Mensa Oracle
Rankin, J. G. (2016, August). GATE’s Embarrassing Secret. Mensa Oracle, 46(2), 6.
Mensa Weekly Brainwave
Rankin, J. G. (2018, November 6). The findings are coming! The findings are coming! Mensa Weekly Brainwave, 45(2018), 2.
Rankin, J. G. (2016, August 9). Over-the-counter data. Mensa Weekly Brainwave, 8(2016), 2.
MiddleWeb: All About the Middle Grades
Rankin, J. G. (2022, September 28). A fresh look at First Aid for Teacher Burnout. MiddleWeb.
Rankin, J. G. (2018, November 11). How to be heard worldwide from your classroom: Practical ways busy teachers can share what they know with the world. MiddleWeb.
Rankin, J. G. (2018, March 4). Making it to summer break without burning out. MiddleWeb.
Rankin, J. G. (2017, March 5). First aid for burnout: Avoid toxic traps. MiddleWeb.
OnCUE Journal: Journal of Computer Using Educators (CUE)
Rankin, J. G. (2014, Summer). Universal design for educators, too. OnCUE Journal, 36(2), 22-23.
Psychology Today
Rankin, J. G. (2025, May 1). The sensual overexcitability that high-IQ people have. Psychology Today. URL TBD.
Rankin, J. G. (2025, April 1). The psychomotor overexcitability that high-IQ people have. Psychology Today. URL TBD.
Rankin, J. G. (2025, March 1). The intellectual overexcitability that high-IQ people have. Psychology Today. URL TBD.
Rankin, J. G. (2025, February 1). Exploring the overexcitabilities of high-IQ people. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2025, January 2). Why some high-IQ people may be overexcitable. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, December 2). The overexcitabilities high-IQ people have. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, November 1). Wear purple on Election Day to call for cooperation. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, October 14). Before you send that email… Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, September 2). Experiential learning takes student to new heights. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, August 1). Student uncovers politically-charged pandemic views. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, July 22). Teaching research skills that transfer to future projects. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, June 1). High school student researches fascism & emerging themes. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, May 1). High school student researches real-life marketing. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, April 1). High school students thrive as researchers: Authentic Exploratory Research hones students’ investigation and analysis skills. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, March 1). Adding STEM communication to STEM education. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, February 4). STEM education needs STEM communication lessons. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2023, November 5). The current state of school curricula. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2023, October 3). Teacher well-being: Narrowing the research-versus-practice gap. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2023, September 1). Teacher well-being: Gaps between research and practice. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2023, August 1). Adaptive school district leadership: New findings indicate how school district leadership can improve. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2023, July 3). How school district leadership can improve: New findings indicate areas of struggle but also point to solutions. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2023, June 9). Teaching Science through Drama: Updates on the integrative drama-inquiry (IDI) model pedagogy. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2023, April 25). Decluttering your classroom: Where teachers work miracles, surroundings should help and not hinder them.. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2023, March 4). Questions promote cooperation in schools: Cooperation-friendly questions can unite educators, students, and parents. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2023, January 2). Breaking the school mismeasurement habit: New findings and a new book address an age-old problem. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2022, December 1). Saving students from school shootings. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2022, November 30). Saving students from gun violence. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2022, October 12). How COVID increased teacher burnout: Preventing burnout in the COVID era. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2022, August 8). How today's teens manage good stress and bad stress. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2022, June 11). Supporting students facing homelessness via resources. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2022, June 10). Supporting students facing homelessness and trauma. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2022, June 9). Supporting students facing homelessness via support staff. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2022, June 8). Supporting students facing homelessness during COVID-19. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2022, May 1). Dyslexia training to tackle the emotional toll. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2022, April 2). Are teachers actually "grading" parents?: Students' grades may be overly dependent on parental aptitude and involvement. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2022, March 1). How educators use the environment to help students thrive. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2022, February 18). How boys learn: Lessons from an all-boys school: An interview with Olga Hofreiter. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2022, January 1). Ensuring that school initiatives work: Kim Wallace’s new book helps educators successfully launch new initiatives. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2021, December 1). Roles for fathers and other men in education: Leveraging the benefit of having men in children’s lives. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2021, November 1). Top 3 ways to make academic writing shine. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2021, October 4). A path to equitable school funding: David Stevens shares a more accurate model for identifying high-needs students. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. (2021, September 13). From super-mom to super-educator: Lessons moms can apply to helping students in the classroom. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2021, September 1). Amplifying Black and Brown voices in education leadership: Interview with author Dr. Darlene Breaux on new book for promoting change. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2021, August 3). Podcasting educators share globally. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2021, June 2). Making emails work for parents and teachers. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2021, April 26). Self-determined learning: Fanning sparks into flames. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2021, March 22). Conservation education and activism: Dr. Dennis Liu of the Half-Earth Project on arming students to help our planet. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2021, March 3). History month resources: Resources for students, parents, and educators celebrating suppressed histories. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2021, January 25). Efficacy: The subtle driver behind teacher leadership. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2021, January 12). Ability to denounce insurrection despite political party: Help students be the kinds of thinkers who can recognize wrongs. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, December 7). Data that tells us when a strategy is working: Easier Use. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, November 30). Data that tells us when a strategy is working: Ease of Use. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, November 23). Data that tells us when a strategy is working: When Instruction Sticks. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, August 25). The power of growth mindset: Part 2. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, August 24). The power of growth mindset. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, July 22). Equity for twice-exceptional students, part 3. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, July 21). Equity for twice-exceptional students, part 2. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, July 20). Equity for twice-exceptional students, part 1. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, July 6). Implementing social and emotional learning (SEL) in schools. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, June 30). The student-centered purpose of school boards. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, June 17). Rethinking how schools teach. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, June 1). Fighting injustice is every educator’s obligation. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, May 20). 5 things you need to know to become a great author, Part 2. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, May 19). 5 things you need to know to become a great author, Part 1. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, March 18). Coronavirus confinement can help educators advance careers. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2020, March 2). Making student data work: 3 key players share the load of making education data useful. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, December 3). Don’t swallow education data without a label, Part 2. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, November 26). Don’t swallow education data without a label, Part 1. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, October 12). Give a TED Talk (and other opportunities). Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, September 12). Serving immigrant and refugee students. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, August 12). Research on racial disparities influencing education, part 2: Interview with Dan Losen covers school discipline, racial disparities, and more. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, August 5). Research on racial disparities influencing education, part 1: Interview with Dan Losen covers school discipline, racial disparities, and more. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, July 24). Comic-Con meets Mensa: A Mensa panel at San Diego Comic-Con International proves educational for all. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, June 30). Honest evaluation to support good teaching, Part 3. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, June 24). Honest evaluation to support good teaching, Part 2. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, June 16). Honest evaluation to support good teaching, Part 1. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, May 21). Edtech design can help or hurt students treated with data. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, March 9). Easy ways to share your ed. expertise with the world. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2019, February 13). Researchers battle discrimination, Part 2: Publishing. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2019, February 6). Researchers battle discrimination, Part 1: Higher education. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2019, January 20). Extinguishing burnout and reigniting purpose: Interview with Melissa Wolf reveals expert input and how to light your fire. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2019, January 19). War stories from the accountability battlefield (Part 2 of 2): After 14 years, Steve Rees weighs in on California's school data system. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2019, January 18). War stories from the accountability battlefield (Part 1 of 2): After 14 years, Steve Rees weighs in on California's school data system. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2018, November 18). Increase your exposure as an expert: Promoting your book is as critical as writing it: Norman Eng shares tips. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2018, November 11). How to be heard worldwide from your classroom. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2018, October 31). The findings are coming! Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2018, October 1). Larry Ferlazzo: Teacher voice and highly public voice. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2018, August 20). Effective school leadership and social justice. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2018, July 9). Speaking coach secrets: How to get into listeners’ minds. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2018, June 1). Educators battle discrimination in the field: Part 3: Areas of progress and solutions. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2018, May 2). Educators battle discrimination in the field: Part 2: Obstacles in school and publishing. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2018, April 2). Educators battle discrimination in the field: Part 1: Obstacles in higher education. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2018, March 5). Teachers are already armed: To the hilt every day. Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2018, February 26). Empowering Students of Color (Part 8 of 8). Psychology Today.
Rankin, J. G. (2018, January 10). Empowering Students of Color (Part 7 of 8). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2017, November 16). Empowering Students of Color (Part 6 of 8). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2017, October 10). Empowering Students of Color (Part 5 of 8). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2017, September 18). Empowering Students of Color (Part 4 of 8). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2017, August 22). Empowering Students of Color (Part 3 of 8). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2017, August 1). Empowering Students of Color (Part 2 of 8). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2017, June 29). Empowering Students of Color (Part 1 of 8). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2017, May 6). Overstimulation and the teaching mind. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2017, January 30). The teacher burnout epidemic (Part 2 of 2). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2016, November 16). The Teacher Burnout Epidemic (Part 1 of 2). Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2016, August 10). Gifted programs’ embarrassing secret: Changes are needed to achieve fair inclusion. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Rankin, J. G. (2024, October 10). Jenny Grant Rankin's 3 favorite reads in 2024. Shepherd.
Rankin, J. G. (2024, November 1). Jenny Grant Rankin's 3 favorite reads in 2023. Shepherd.
Rankin, J. G. (2022, November 14). The best books on getting people to accept facts. Shepherd.
Rankin, J. G. (2017, April 10). Teacher burnout & a well organized class. Showbie.
Rankin, J. G. (2017, May 9). Build data products to be “over-the-counter”. TIBCO. well as:
Commissioned Curriculum
Grant [Rankin], J. (2005). BPSD Summer School writing curriculum: 30 days to writing success! (2nd ed.). Buena Park, CA: Buena Park Unified School District.
Grant [Rankin], J. (2004). BPSD Summer School writing curriculum: 30 days to writing success! (1st ed.). Buena Park, CA: Buena Park Unified School District.
Dr. Jenny Grant Rankin Research Website
40 research website blog posts
TED-Ed Lesson
Create Effective Data Visualization,
Contributions to Others' Books (e.g., Forewords)
Book for Which Dr. Rankin Wrote the Book's Foreword
Egido, A. A. (2018). Students’ presupposition, prejudice, and discrimination in an English language class. Londrina, Brazil: Appris Editora.
Books for Which Dr. Rankin Wrote a Within-Book (or Back Cover) Blurb
Boogren, T. H. (2019). 180 days of self-care for busy educators. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
Eng, N. (2019). Presenting: The professor’s guide to powerful communication. New York, NY: Norman Eng.
Eng, N. (2018). Create an engaging syllabus: A concise, 7-step guide for professor. New York, NY: Norman Eng.
January 1, 2025
Teaching Teenagers Communication Practices that Bypass Cognitive Bias and Other Obstacles Case Study
Study done in partnership with Piper Virginia Rankin, Laguna Beach High School
Study accepted for presentation at the University of Oxford, UK
June 21, 2013 to 2014
Use of Over-the-Counter Data in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools Research Study (Focus: Guides)
Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, Nashville 615-259-4636
Mixed Methods study
Collaborating with Dr. Margie Johnson, Business Intelligence Director, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
February 1, 2009 to August 31, 2013
Over-the-Counter Data’s Impact on Educators’ Data Analysis Accuracy
Northcentral University, Prescott Valley 866-776-0331
Quantitative, experimental study
Published by ProQuest (
January 24, 2025
Challenges Faced by Freelance Journalists Survey Study
Survey study conducted by City, University of London’s Journalism Department
December 27, 2024
Nature Magazine Survey Study
Survey study on researcher expectations and behaviors.
January 9, 2023
Work Equity in the Educational Measurement Profession Study
Principal Investigator (PI): Thao Vo, Research Scientist, Women in Measurement, AERA, NCME
2023 Women in Measurement (WIM), the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) State of the Field Equity Survey
Approved by: American Institutes for Research (AIR) Institutional Review Board
June 21, 2020
Stockton University Covid-19 Pandemic Study
Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Manish Madan at Stockton University.
International survey study about the response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and how it has shaped our lives in today's times.
April 22, 2020
National Education Association Covid-19 Education Survey Study
Administered by Education Insights
Sponsored by National Education Association (NEA)
National survey study about issues facing students, schools, educators, and parents during the coronavirus pandemic
March 8, 2019
Twitter's Influence on Humour within Crisis Communications Survey
Administered by Megan Sneade
November 16, 2018
CUE Strategic Planning Process Survey
Administered by Computer Using Educators (CUE)
Strategic planning process to update CUE’s mission, vision and core value statements and develop overarching priorities for the organization over the next three years
November 7, 2018
Scientific Communication and Public Engagement Survey Study
Administered by ScienceCounts and the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science
Covered by Institutional Review Boards (IRB) of the University of Texas-Austin and Michigan State University
Participated through American Educational Research Association (AERA)
September 18, 2018
Yale Wellness Course Study
Dr. Laurie Santos, Yale Center for Teaching and Learning
Study titled Online Wellness Course Study
July 13, 2018
University of Delaware Study
Dr. Elizabeth Farley-Ripple and Dr. Henry May
Study titled Research Production and Dissemination in Education
July 9, 2018
Claremont Graduate University Study
Dana Linnell Wanzer
Study titled Perspectives of Evaluation and Research Study
SAGE Journals Study
Carmichael, M., Reid, A., & Karpicke, J.
Study titled Assessing the Impact of Educational Video on Student Engagement, Critical Thinking, and Learning.
Versions of J. Rankin’s video were used as one of two speakers’ videos
FEBRUARY 20, 2018
Mensa Annual Membership Study
Mensa members' survey and feedback to help shape the direction of American Mensa
FEBRUARY 5, 2018
Aspen Institute National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development Survey
Surveying education experts for feedback in developing recommendations in research, practice, and policy that will help make social, emotional, and academic learning an important part of every school
FEBRUARY 5, 2018
IGI Global Field Survey
Title: Trending Topics
APRIL 28, 2017
Mensa Workplace Study
American Mensa and University of Pécs
Study titled Attitudes Towards the Workplace Study
NOVEMBER 7-15, 2016
Yale Blogger Study
Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
Study titled Emotions, Creativity, and Social Science Bloggers Study
JANUARY 8, 2016
What Works Clearinghouse Survey Study
U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
Survey on how What Works Clearinghouse can be improved
DECEMBER 31, 2015
Social Media Use
Survey on how educators use social media
NOVEMBER 16, 2015
State of Data in K-12 Education
Panorama Education
Survey on how K-12 educators use data to drive professional growth and improvement
NOVEMBER 14, 2015
Speak Up America and Speak Up (National Research Project)
Project Tomorrow: National Research Project
A collection of educators’ opinions to inform K-12 educational decisions at the local, state, and national level
SEPTEMBER 18, 2015
Teacher Practice Networks Annual Survey, Fall 2015
Survey Study by Center for the Future of Teaching & Learning at WestEd and Sarah Stoeckl of ISTE
AUGUST 13, 2015
Links Between Education and the World of Work
Survey Study by World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) and Gallup
JULY 22, 2015
Hyper Brain / Hyper Body Study of People with Exceptional IQ
Survey Study by Ruth Karpinski of Pitzer College of Claremont Colleges
JUNE 10, 2014
Bilingual/Dual Language Teacher Preparation Study
Survey by Cristian R. Aquino-Sterling of San Diego State University
MAY 18, 2015
Editorial Projects in Education Formative Assessment Survey
Survey by Education Week
NOVEMBER 17, 2014
Mensa “We Surveyed One Hundred Mensans…” Survey
Greater Los Angeles Area Mensa Family Feud Survey for 2015 Regional Gathering
Improving Edtech Purchasing Practices Study
Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Digital Promise and the Education Industry Association (EIA), partnered with the Center for Research and Reform at Johns Hopkins University)
Published by Digital Promise (
OCTOBER 5-7, 2014
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Panel for Achievement Level Setting
Feedback Panel conducted by Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
Reviewing Common Core State Standards (CCSS) assessment questions and recommending achievement level scores
MAY 9, 2014
ASCD Affiliate Program Study
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
An ASCD Member Services Study conducted by Readex Research
APRIL 24, 2014
Digital Promise’s Ed-tech Procurement Study
Johns Hopkins School of Education, Digital Promise, and Education Industry Association
A study of education technology purchasing practices
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Alignment Study
Study conducted by HumRRO and CTB, with the involvement of California Department of Education (CDE), for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
Examining alignment issues related to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) summative assessments from SBAC
SEPTEMBER 12, 2013
Speak Up (National Research Project)
Project Tomorrow: National Research Project
A collection of educators’ opinions to inform K-12 educational decisions at the local, state, and national level
2015 California Educational Research Association (CERA) Conference
2015 Chapter Reviewer
For the book Strategies for Increasing Student Success in Urban Classrooms
2015 New Media Consortium (NMC) Horizon Report: 2015 K12 Edition
Serving on Panel of Experts and Horizon Project Advisory Board for the Horizon Project, NMC's annual qualitative research project (includes special listing and acknowledgment in the NMC Horizon Report: 2015 K12 Edition)
2015 California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE)
Expert Reviewer (reviewing for the journal Teacher Education Quarterly)
2015 American Educational Research Association (AERA)
A reviewer for the AERA Division H Outstanding Paper Competition
A reviewer/panel for the AERA Outstanding Dissertation Award
2015 California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE)
Research Committee Member (reviewing proposals) for the Fall 2015
2014 Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE)
Program Committee Member (reviewing research paper proposals) for SITE 2015
2014 Reviewer of chapter submissions for the
Handbook of Research on Innovations in Information Retrieval, Analysis, and
Management to be published by IGI Global
2014 American Educational Research Association (AERA)
An Expert Reviewer for the Journal Educational Researcher (Sage Journals) for AERA 2014, thanked on page 468 of Volume 43
2014 California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE)
Research Committee Member (reviewing proposals) for the Fall 2014
2013 Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE)
Program Committee Member (reviewing research paper proposals) for SITE 2014
2013 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Peer Paper Reviewer (reviewing research paper proposals) for ISTE 2014